Thursday, October 8, 2009

Have I been Desensitized?

As I was sitting in a coffee shop this morning checking my email and checking for the third time if I have enough money in my bank account to purchase the coffee I'm currently drinking, I witnessed something that by most American's standards would seem a I guess. Two young ladies- students of SPU I assume- had their heads bowed together in prayer. As a former SPU student this seems completely normal to me considering I would sit, talk, and pray with my buddies when enjoying a good cup of JOE or when just enjoying a quick bite to eat.

Herein lies my question: Have I been desensitized to the miracle and blessing of prayer?
it may seem as though i'm being a little over dramatic but I feel as though this is a question that a lot of people may be asking themselves. Not because people no longer need prayer, that's not what I'm saying at all; I'm saying that because I was in such a 'bubble' while at SPU, the idea of praying in public has become something of familiarity rather than something miraculous.

Don't assume that because I'm questioning if I'm desensitized to prayer that I've stopped believing in the power of prayer or even the true blessings that come from regular conversations with God. I still very much believe that God hears our cries for help and our shouts of joy or even our rants of frustration. I have had so many blessings in my life that even I'm not yet aware of so I could never stop being grateful and thankful for what God has done in my life and for my family and for my friends! So what is the main issue that I'm talking about here? I think we've taken for granted the fact that we live in a country where we aren't openly persecuted for our faith and for our beliefs.

I think about many followers around the world who don't have the privlige to openly pray and worship God, about the people who have to move secretly every week- and sometimes every day- to underground churches where secrecy is of the greatest importance because should the word leak that they worship Jesus Christ, they might lose their heads, literally. Another thing that I am troubled by-and am even guilty of- is the fact that we as Christians in the US rant and rave (I guess as I am doing right now) about how we need to pray for those people who have their freedom stripped from them every day and how we need to be helping them in any way possible because it's what Christ calls us to do; however, we often put our troubles and worries above the rest. Its sad to say but I'm guilty of this as well. We want to help those who truly need it and yet when the opportunity arises, WE make excuses (WE as in myself included).

Not all Christians are this way however. I am for sure generalizing and calling myself as well as those like me a hypocrite because of the condemnation we dish out but can't take it when it's dished back to our ends of the table. I watch my girlfriend, who is very involved in Habitat For Humanity, and I am constantly amazed at how she is living out the mission Christ has set before her and she Loves it! I want that passion in my life as well, but when will I start making other people and Christ's calling my passion? So in a roundabout way, I haven't answered my original question and I've posed a new one, haven't I? Well my mind works like that and I suck sometimes but these are some of my thoughts on it... yea I have a lot that I'd love to say but I suck at making my thoughts fluid I guess. Alright I'm done, I can't think of anything to say that makes a whole lot of bad.