Sunday, July 26, 2009

Quick Thought On Iran

So I know everyone and their mother is talking about Iran but I have a very personal interest in what's going on in the middle east so I felt it was important to give a quick thought to the situation in Iran.

First off, what many people don't know about me (and still won't because I only know of one person that reads my blogs) is that one of my personal passions and hobbies that I have is studying eschatology or rather "End Times Prophesy" and that is both in regards to the beliefs within Christianity (mainly because I am a Christian) as well as the beliefs within Islam. Which of course brings me to my subject matter for today in regards to the current rumblings within the state of Iran and what is going on politically there.

So rather than go on and on about the studies I'm doing right now regarding eschatology and the Middle East (I'm also closely watching news on Russia, N. Korea and China) I'm just going to pose a thought to who ever may read this and challenge you to think about what I'm saying regardless of your spiritual standings.

So think about this; Ahmadinejad is a man bent on bringing about the destruction of the world, in particular Israel "little Satan" and the U.S. "Big Satan" because in his beliefs and what is taught in the mindset of Radical Islam that by bringing about chaos and the "end of the world," the messiah--better known within Islam as the "twelfth Imam" or the "Mahdi"--will arise and rule the world. Ahmadinejad is a man who firmly believes that it is his sole purpose in life to fulfill this prophesy which in other words means that his sole purpose in life is to bring about the destruction of the "Satans" of this world. Why is this a big deal? Is this just the rhetoric and bumbling of a crazed psychopath that we can ignore? Absolutely this is a big deal and we cannot ignore it! But rather than go into all of the logistics of this problem let me discuss why the current election uprisings in Iran play a siginifcant role in Ahmadinejad's world and why we should be warry about this.

Here's my thoughts on this and you can take it for what you will but I just want you to think about this. Will the unrest in Iran trigger Ahmadinejad into launching a massive strike on Israel and the US with the potential to kill millions of people? I believe that this is a very real possibility and we need to be watching for it. The main idea that I want to get across is this; I think that with Ahmadinejad's position in office being threatened by the political uprisings after the "election" fiasco, he will go into a state of desparation and it will only quicken his ambitions to bring about the Mahdi. Now if Ahmadinejad does happen to lose his position in office there is a good possibility that we can take a deep breath at least for a while; however, if Ahmadinejad still has as much support from the world of radical Islam as he does right now and if he is still bent on bringing about the destruction of the US and Israel, he is still very dangerous to us and needs to be stopped one way or another. On the flip side, if Ahmadinejad does maintain his position in office, there is still a very real threat posed to us and to Israel and we need to be ready for this.

This is all i'm going to say for a while, but chew on this.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Is it Possible or Can I Just Not Get By This?

So breaking off on another tangent entirely from my last post...I seem to struggle a lot with completely (or relatively) random worries and thoughts that seem to plague and taint everything I do unless I keep myself totally occupied. I tend to read way too much into the ways people say things and in the way that they write them. So I guess what I mean is that when a completely harmless comment is made, I can change it around to seem as if it meant the complete opposite of what it actually did. So I know that this doesn't make a whole lot of sense but I tend to worry way too much about things that really shouldn't matter. It's not like I blow everything out of proportion and blow up on people, I generally keep everything to myself which I'm told can lead to a lot of problems but I don't see why I should bother anyone else with my worries...right?

So anyway, besides this crap that I deal with on a day by day basis...Life is good and I honestly can't complain too much. Even though I'm a college grad with no "jobs" I'm still blessed more than most to even have a roof over my head or food in my stomach so who am I to whine? At least i'm not like Job where I lose everything right! God's been good to my family so I can't complain :)