Friday, July 10, 2009

Is it Possible or Can I Just Not Get By This?

So breaking off on another tangent entirely from my last post...I seem to struggle a lot with completely (or relatively) random worries and thoughts that seem to plague and taint everything I do unless I keep myself totally occupied. I tend to read way too much into the ways people say things and in the way that they write them. So I guess what I mean is that when a completely harmless comment is made, I can change it around to seem as if it meant the complete opposite of what it actually did. So I know that this doesn't make a whole lot of sense but I tend to worry way too much about things that really shouldn't matter. It's not like I blow everything out of proportion and blow up on people, I generally keep everything to myself which I'm told can lead to a lot of problems but I don't see why I should bother anyone else with my worries...right?

So anyway, besides this crap that I deal with on a day by day basis...Life is good and I honestly can't complain too much. Even though I'm a college grad with no "jobs" I'm still blessed more than most to even have a roof over my head or food in my stomach so who am I to whine? At least i'm not like Job where I lose everything right! God's been good to my family so I can't complain :)

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