Monday, June 22, 2009

Obviously there is a lot going on in the Middle East with the protests in Iran, constant wars and rumors of war concerning Israel, Russia making alliances with Islamic nations with their desire to make the final push South; it is hard to not believe that we are growing closer to the end times if we are not already engulfed in them presently.

As I watch the news today and read blogs and twitter messages I can constantly see the ways in which Israel and the Middle East has truly become the "Epicenter" in the sense that besides the occasional political reform or train wreck that makes the headlines, news in the middle east has become one of the primary focuses and all eyes have turned towards Israel. One particular blog that I highly recommend everyone read (regardless of your beliefs on Biblical Eschatology or the studies of the end of days) is Joel Rosenberg's weblog

Today I had also watched an interview with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu where he discusses some of these issues regarding the news in the Middle East. Check out these links they're pretty interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Did you finish your book? (I think it was called Epicenter...) :)
    Hope your getting more reading done than I am, it's kind of tragic that I've all of a sudden developed motion many pages unturned!!
