Thursday, June 18, 2009

Missing, Hoping, Searching

So basically right now I am thinking about 3 things;
I miss my girlfriend who just yesterday (at a disgusting 3AM) left for S. Africa, I am hoping that this job that I'm applying for in Gig Harbor will pan out, and I am continually searching for more work, a deeper sense of content and a revival of a very important relationship.

So my girlfriend Jenn is basically the most amazing woman on the face of the planet and I already miss her and it hasn't even been a full day yet! I know, I know, it's pathetic but what can I say...I adore the woman! She wrote me a note for every day that she is gone which was very sweet but i'm tempted to jump ahead and open all of the letters haha. oh well i guess i'll live.

I've applied for this sick job down in Gig Harbor, WA as an Intern of middle school ministries for this church and after about a month or two they are finally starting to call my references...It's a sweet opportunity and an all out awesome package but i'm starting to get a little restless. Frustrations aside, I'm starting to look for other jobs as a backup...We'll see how it all goes.

So earlier I said that I was searching for a deeper sense of content and a revival of an important relationship; what I'm talking about is spiritual content and reviving my relationship with God. Yep, the "Big Guy" Himself. I just feel like i'm screwing the pooch and i'm looking to get out of it that's all. Life outside of my Spiritual life is amazing and I can't complain too much; but my relationship with God needs some work.
(This is a Picture of the William Wallace Monument that I took on my Vacation...I just like it)

In other news... My back hurts and I need to catch some shut-eye so I'm out!

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